Customer Information Text
As the Data Controller, we prioritize the security of your personal data. Accordingly, any personal data processed within our company is handled, stored, and transferred in compliance with the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 (KVKK).
As per the Communiqué on the Principles and Procedures to Be Followed in Fulfilling the Obligation to Inform, published in the Official Gazette dated 10.03.2018 and numbered 30356, the purpose of the Communiqué is defined in its first article as follows: "To determine the principles and procedures to be followed in fulfilling the obligation to inform in accordance with Article 10 of the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 by data controllers or persons authorized by them."
This clarification text has been prepared to inform Hipposoft’s individual customers, whose personal data is collected, stored, and processed, in accordance with Article 10 of the Personal Data Protection Law titled "Data Controller’s Obligation to Inform" and the Communiqué on the Principles and Procedures to Be Followed in Fulfilling the Obligation to Inform.
Your personal data is processed in accordance with the general principles stipulated in Article 4 of the Personal Data Protection Law, such as:
Compliance with the law and rules of honesty
Being accurate and up-to-date when necessary
Being processed for specific, clear, and legitimate purposes
Being related, limited, and proportionate to the purpose for which it is processed
Being stored for the duration specified in the relevant legislation or required for the purpose for which it is processed
Below are the purposes of processing your personal data, as well as the legal grounds under Articles 5 and 6 of the Law on which the processing of personal data is based. The categorized data may serve multiple purposes and fall under different legal grounds for processing depending on the usage.
Identity Information
Name, surname, Turkish ID number:
For compliance with legal obligations as required or mandated by legal regulations; Legal Ground: Article 5/2-a (Processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation).
To perform transactions related to contracts, manage relations with customers, execute product/service sales and financial processes, and provide information on services; Legal Ground: Article 5/2-c (Processing is necessary for the execution of a contract to which the data subject is a party).
Contact Information
Business address, telephone number, mobile phone number, email address:
To execute transactions related to contracts; Legal Ground: Article 5/2-c.
To carry out product/service sales processes; Legal Ground: Article 5/2-e (Processing is necessary for the establishment, exercise, or defense of legal claims).
To conduct post-sales support services and inform customers about related processes; Legal Ground: Article 5/2-f (Processing is necessary for the legitimate interests of the data controller).
To follow up on complaints and manage customer satisfaction processes; Legal Ground: Article 5/2-f.
Mobile phone number, email address, and IP address:
For compliance with the Electronic Commerce Law No. 6563 and related regulations; Legal Ground: Article 5/2-a.
To send promotions, advertisements, product offers, campaigns, satisfaction surveys, and company announcements through communication tools (SMS, email, phone); Subject to your explicit consent.
Customer and membership agreements:
To fulfill the requirements of agreements with customers; Legal Ground: Article 5/2-c.
Legal Transaction Information
To execute and follow legal processes, fulfill legal obligations towards authorized and competent public institutions, authorities, and courts, and use them as evidence in possible disputes; Legal Ground: Article 5/2-a and Article 5/2-ç (Processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation).
Financial Information
Tax ID number, tax office, bank account number, IBAN, invoice details, credit card information, payment date, payment method, identity and contact details:
For issuing invoices and financial documents in accordance with the Tax Procedure Law Article 229, for processing payments and collections, and for providing information to legally authorized institutions; Legal Ground: Article 5/2-a.
Mobile Access Information
(Together with identity and contact details), device location, browser information, time zone, country, operating system, email, and IP address of website visitors:
To ensure information security, improve website performance, and enhance user experience; Subject to your explicit consent.
Identity Information, Contact Information, Mobile Access Information, Legal Information, Financial Information:
To perform product/service provision operations, storage, archiving, ensuring information security, improving website performance, and carrying out sales, customer relations, and delivery processes; Subject to your explicit consent.
Our company acts in accordance with the provisions of Article 5 and the rules governing the processing of special categories of personal data under Article 6, as well as the provisions regarding the transfer of personal data in Articles 8 and 9 of the Law. We also comply with the decisions issued by the Personal Data Protection Board.
Special categories of personal data are not processed or transferred without obtaining the explicit consent of the data subject.
The following outlines to whom your personal data may be transferred and for what purposes.
The following data will be transferred to foreign service providers (Microsoft Azure, Microsoft 365, Google Analytics, Google Ads, Hotjar, One Signal, Brevo, Craftgate, Cloudflare) with your explicit consent.
Your identity information (name, surname, Turkish Identification Number) is collected through filling out the membership and distance sales agreement on the website and through our call center digitally.
Article 5/2-c: It is necessary to process personal data of the parties to the contract directly related to the establishment or performance of a contract.
Article 5/2-e: Personal data is collected for legal reasons where processing is mandatory for the establishment, use, or protection of a right.
Your contact information (delivery address, business address, phone number, mobile phone number, email address, IP address) is collected through filling out the membership and distance sales agreement on the website and through our call center digitally.
Article 5/2-c: It is necessary to process personal data of the parties to the contract directly related to the establishment or performance of a contract.
Your customer and membership agreements are collected digitally by filling out the membership agreement on the website.
Article 5/2-c: It is necessary to process personal data of the parties to the contract directly related to the establishment or performance of a contract.
Your legal transaction information is collected through non-automated means by sending notifications, documents, and notices via digital or postal channels.
Article 5/2-e: Personal data is collected for legal reasons where processing is mandatory for the establishment, use, or protection of a right.
Your financial information (tax number, tax office, bank account number, bank IBAN number) is collected digitally by selecting payment method information from the payment options section in the order creation area on our website.
OFİX OFFICE SUPPLIES INC. informs the personal data owner of their rights in accordance with Article 10 of the Personal Data Protection Law and guides them on how to exercise these rights.
The rights of the relevant person are regulated in Article 11 of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data (KVKK).
According to Article 11 of the KVKK, you have the right to apply to our company to:
a) Learn whether your personal data is being processed,
b) Request information about your personal data if it has been processed,
c) Learn the purpose of processing your personal data and whether they are used in accordance with that purpose,
ç) Know the third parties to whom your personal data has been transferred, domestically or abroad,
d) Request the correction of your personal data if they are incomplete or incorrectly processed,
e) Request the deletion or destruction of personal data under the conditions specified in Article 7,
f) Request notification of the operations carried out pursuant to subparagraphs (d) and (e) to third parties to whom personal data has been transferred,
g) Object to the emergence of a result against you by means of automated processing of your data,
ğ) Request compensation for damages in case of loss due to unlawful processing of your personal data.
If you wish to exercise your right to apply under Article 13 of the KVKK, you can submit your application to the following address:
IOSB Ziya Gökalp, 8. Cd. No:1/A Başakşehir/ISTANBUL
You can deliver your written and wet-signed application in person, send it via notary, or send it via secure electronic signature to [email protected] (KEP), or through the electronic mail address previously communicated to us and registered in our system.
In applications, the following information must be included:
The name and surname of the Personal Data Owner/Relevant Person, and if the application is written, their signature,
For Turkish citizens, the Turkish Identification Number; for foreigners, the nationality, passport number, or identification number (if available),
The address of residence or workplace for notification,
If available, the electronic mail address for notification, phone, and fax number,
The subject of the request must be specified, and information and documents related to the subject should be attached to the application.
Applications will be accepted after identity verification by OFİX OFFICE SUPPLIES INC., and responses will be provided in writing or electronically within legal timeframes.
Your requests stated in your application will be resolved free of charge within a maximum of thirty (30) days, depending on the nature of the request.
Phone: 0850 288 63 49
Address: IOSB Ziya Gökalp, 8. Cd. No:1/A Başakşehir/ISTANBUL
Email: [email protected]
KEP Address: [email protected]